3 Tips For Better Dahlia Growth

Dahlias are unique flowers that feature multiple layers of petals. The full and colorful blooms of the dahlia make it an excellent addition to any home garden. Dahlias can be grown from tubers that you purchase at your local florist.

These ornamental flowers can be quite finicky until they are established. It's essential that you use proper techniques when planting your dahlia tubers if you want to experience the most blooms possible during the growing season.

1. Start your dahlia tubers inside.

The foliage of a dahlia plant is extremely sensitive to cold temperatures. Any exposure to cold can cause the leaves of a growing dahlia to exhibit signs of frostbite. This will stunt the growth of the plant and result in fewer blooms over time.

To avoid the threat of frost exposure and ensure that you can plant your dahlias as early as possible, start the tubers indoors. Place the tuber in a gardening pot filled with nutrient-rich composted potting soil. Growth can begin in a protected and temperature-controlled environment, then you can transfer the dahlia plants to your outdoor garden once the last frost subsides.

2. Take the time to till before planting.

In order for a dahlia tuber to flourish outdoors, it needs to be planted in a soil that provides adequate drainage. Compacted soils can retain too much moisture over time, leading to the development of root rot and the eventual death of your dahlia plant.

Till the soil prior to planting your tubers to ensure that your flower bed contains no compacted soil. Tilling can also give you the opportunity to integrate a granular fertilizer to help feed your dahlias into the soil within your flower bed.

3. Pinch and stake your growing dahlias.

As your dahlia plants begin to grow, you need to take the time to pinch and stake each dahlia plant in your garden.

Pinching is a form of pruning that helps to promote more uniform growth and increases the number of flowering buds on your dahlia plant during the growing season. Once the plants have established some lateral leaves, pinch or cut the vertical stem that extends above the lateral leaves. Eliminating this vertical leader will help encourage lateral growth, which results in more abundant blooms.

Staking is another essential practice for successful dahlia growth. The weight of the blooms can become a burden on the plant over time. Staking provides adequate support for the plant so that the weight of full dahlia blooms don't cause the stems to break.

For more information, contact a company like Summer Dreams Farm.
